Hello: It’s nice that you visit us and that our message doesn’t put you off. We are already at the heart of the matter: After all, we do not want to deter. Neither with “severely disabled” nor “slightly cuckoo”. And we are committed to make this work all over the world and with as many people as possible. Because some people still have a lot of fear of contact, are unsure, don’t know how to handle us. At the same time, we are ordinary people who laugh together, who curse together, who experience a lot together. All right, and who may be a tiny bit crazy.
Here on our pages we tell you our story, imagine yourself in our book, meet you on readings or as a student during our visits in schools. Maybe on TV, too.
For many (really very many, over 25 namely) years we have been friends. Us: Christian, severely disabled, Bernd, slightly cuckoo. Together we roll and approach people with and without disabilities and want to give them encouragement. We want to talk to you, want to get into the heads and in the middle of the heart. We think it’s about taking life lightly. To fly a lot more. Even when it’s often hard. Nevertheless, we say yes to life and tell you what it’s like when disabled and disabled people live lives together. And how that works.
Taking everyday life into our own hands, not letting our lives take care of us: This does not always succeed, especially when this thing gets in our way with the disability. Or much more to the authorities, those who built Stairs, those who interfere with Christian’s recumbent wheelchair. The disability gets in the way of them, which for us would have to be a not so big thing at all. But they then hinder us. So we want to raise awareness that we should work on dealing with each other. And that’s exactly what we do.
Our story, how did it even begin? The Christian-Bernd-story doesn’t have an exact beginning. She has many beginnings. One with an Opel Cadet and a pigs trailer, among others. The Cadet was orange and had 60BHP. The pig trailer did its service as a means of transport for Christian’s recumbent wheelchair until we found a more comfortable solution. It is not important, in fact, how the Christian-Bernd story began; What is much more important is what it involves, and that it continues to this day and hopefully for a long time to come.
We got to know each other about the civil service of Bernd. Then we made friends, and then we laughed and cursed together, fought fights and enjoyed holidays, were on trips and on countless offices, on the palm tree and stayed on our toes. We have observed birds and shared thoughts, in other words: We have done and done what real friends do. Because we do it quite simply, and because it is not as self-evident to many as it is for us, we are talking about it.
We are two oblique birds. Two real friends. Two who feel pleasure for life and who tell their story.